Matt Neff

Matt Neff’s work focused on curating groupings of objects and materials, photographs, prints, drawings, and found/recycled materials. Neff staged compositions that established relationships between materials he pulled from the waste stream. During his time at RAIR, Neff developed a series of assemblages that created texture from  light and translucency. Materials scavenged from the waste stream included shattered glass, plexi, and discarded medical equipment. The work Matt has made at RAIR will be show at the Drawing Center in November and December 2014.
Matt intends on staying involved with RAIR post-residency, and is encouraging  other artists and his design students to apply to the program. "I feel like my work is changing even just being there," he says of his experience . "Anytime you can go as an artist to a space and have that change your work, it's pretty amazing."